Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Jejemon Invasion

The Jejemon Invasion

I just watched Jessica Soho's feature about Jejemons, and now I have a clear understanding of what the group is about and the frenzy they created.

Disclaimer: I am not a Jejemon (hahaha!), and yeah, I get confused whenever I get messages, Jejemon style. Even annoyed sometimes, like most people do. But come to think of it, if we get annoyed because we don't understand their "language", don’t you think the game is being played on us?

Why are we so bothered? Its not like the Jejemon language will take over the Filipino language, or any other language for that matter.

Just an opinion, I think they’re just having fun. So let them be.
Come on. Gay lingo is accepted and Jejemons’ way of texting isn’t?

Peace! c’,)

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