Monday, February 8, 2010

Big Dreams, Empty Heart

Big Dreams, Empty Heart

I once wrote about taking and not taking chances:

“Not every opportunity is up for grab. Sometimes, they’re just there for us to realize that what we have is everything we will ever need. At least for now.”

There are reasons why opportunities come knocking at our door.

I never really knew what’s in store for me the last time I grabbed one until today, when all my expectations turned into frustrations.

I shouldn’t have opened the door when I heard that opportunity knocked. It was a test of faith; if I will hold on, or if I will let go. I chose the latter. And now, what I feel is disappointment and regret.

Now the door has been locked. And I am trapped. There’s no way out.

I am in a room with no air to breathe. It’s suffocating. It’s killing me.

All because of something I thought would make me happy:
the realization of a big dream.

A dream so big, yet it didn’t fill an empty heart.

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