Monday, February 8, 2010

Freaking Single

Freaking Single

I spent yet another Sunday evening watching a movie with my constant date I call myself. We laughed so hard for an hour and a half.

Oh, have you heard about the Morgans?
They’re a wonderful couple.

After the movie I stopped by Starbucks - my favorite spot in Greenbelt, to get some coffee. While waiting for my Venti as my head danced to the Latin music coming from Café Havana, I overheard 2 people talking (actually more like ranting) about relationships:

"The good ones are taken and the single ones are definitely freaks! Wait a minute, I am single. That makes me a freak!"


You’re not a freak because you’re single.
But freaking out because you are single makes you, well, a freak.


Since when did it put pressure on people?
And since when did single people become freaks?

Wait, am I still living on the same planet or am I the only single human being who feels numb about it?

Hmmm... That’s something to contemplate on.

So I dragged my single ass home and enjoyed my nightcap, with my mint decaf.

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