Monday, May 24, 2010

The Magical Coron

The Magical Coron

One of my most memorable trips was my first time traveling with my brother - in Coron, Palawan. Tagging cool friends along doubled the fun and excitement.

The Coron Island in Palawan is probably one of the most beautiful places I have visited. Like different parts of a dream, you wouldn't know what each chapter will bring.

Mystical. Magical. It's like Enya's music on a Sunday morning.

45 minutes away from Manila via plane to Francisco B. Reyes Airport in Busanga, Coron, a relatively recent discovery as a beautiful tourist spot, is in the province of Palawan. It covers part of Busuanga and the nearby Coron Island. Both islands are part of the Calamian Group of Islands in northern Palawan.

Places to See

The Kayangan Lake, sometimes referred to as the Blue Lagoon, is said to be the cleanest lake in the Philippines. The freshwater lagoon is amidst sheer limestone cliffs. The best way to view this picture-perfect scenery is by taking a walk up a mountain trail.

The Banana Island, more popularly known as Dicalabuan Island is the farthest island in Coron. It takes a 2-hour boat ride to get to the place, and it’s probably one of the scariest boat ride I have experienced because of the strong waves. But it all didn’t matter when I got to the place. It’s like I have gone to paradise.

The Pagi Island, another beautiful spot, named after the marine creature pagi (stingray), is a must-see. Coincidentally, one of Palawan's native delicacies is kinunot na pagi, which I didn't get to try.

Coron, a magical place, for a wonderful adventure.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wonderful Dakak!

Wonderful Dakak!

My first time to visit Zamboanga.

Dakak Park Beach Resort is located near the provinces of Cebu and Dumaguete. It is situated exactly in Brgy. Taguilon, city of Dapitan, 15 minutes away from our national hero Jose Rizal's place in exile. Dipolog City is used as the point of entry.

The beach is known for its bay and powder-like white sand and beautiful blue waters. The place is so quiet, perfect if you want to escape from the chaos of the city.

Summer in November: The Boracay Escapade

Summer in November: The Boracay Escapade

The beach bum's last beach getaway for 2009.

The refreshing Mocha Rum at Jonah's. Pacquiao's victory over Cotto.
The buffet by the shore. The priceless sunset experience with friends.
The exotic fire dancers. The lights of Juice Bar.
The party animals at Hey Jude. The relaxing Bamboo Lounge.

A week-long love affair with the sun, the sand,
and the wonderful people of Aklan.

Good times.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pahiyas Festival

Pahiyas Festival

Every 15th of May, the people of Lucban, Quezon celebrate the Pahiyas Festival to honor the patron saint of farmers, San Isidro Labrador.

According to legend, San Isidro magically plowed the field whenever he went out of the church. This story by the Spaniards was passed on to the Philippines from Mexico during the colonial times and since then, Pahiyas Festival has been the farmers' way of celebrating a bountiful harvest.

With a grand display of colorful rice wafers called ‘kiping’, fruits, vegetables, and handicrafts adorning every house in the town, the Pahiyas Festival continues to be a source of excitement for the locals and visitors of Quezon Province.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Kuwebang Lampas Beach Adventure

The Kuwebang Lampas Beach Adventure

Three decades of being a true-blue Quezonian and still my humble hometown, Pagbilao never fails to surprise me.

This is the first time I visited Kuwebang Lampas in Brgy. Polo.
I admit, as a native of Pagbilao and a self-confessed beach bum,
it is a shame I haven't seen this place sooner.

Shared with family and friends, discovering the beauty of Kuwebang Lampas was indeed, a wonderful experience.

Lipa: A Different kind of Adventure

Lipa: A Different kind of Adventure

Looking for a different kind of food trip?
Then go hit the bus and visit Lipa.

During daytime, P. Torres Street in Lipa, Batangas is a quiet place. But when night comes, it transforms into an alley that will lead your way to a filled stomach. It has the longest strip of food choices, Filipino style.

Filipino dishes, desserts, delicacies, coolers and street food.
Name it, and for a cheap price - you got it!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Jejemon Invasion

The Jejemon Invasion

I just watched Jessica Soho's feature about Jejemons, and now I have a clear understanding of what the group is about and the frenzy they created.

Disclaimer: I am not a Jejemon (hahaha!), and yeah, I get confused whenever I get messages, Jejemon style. Even annoyed sometimes, like most people do. But come to think of it, if we get annoyed because we don't understand their "language", don’t you think the game is being played on us?

Why are we so bothered? Its not like the Jejemon language will take over the Filipino language, or any other language for that matter.

Just an opinion, I think they’re just having fun. So let them be.
Come on. Gay lingo is accepted and Jejemons’ way of texting isn’t?

Peace! c’,)

Sunday, April 25, 2010



Saturday night with friends Louri, Lyn, JD. This is the first time we've gone out since our Boracay trip last year and we felt like we needed a lot of catching up to do so we planned a get together.

We had dinner at Go Greek!, JD and Lyn enjoying the food while planning our next beach getaway - Potipot and Anawangin in Zambalaes. After a sumptuous Mediterranean treat and an hour of shopping, we're off to see a Martin Scorsese film. JD, the ever critical audience that he is has these words to say: "If you like dragging and predictable, and mortifying on your seat for more than 2 hours, then go watch the movie Shutter Island." The film bothered us a little because of the morbid scenes like a crazy mother drowning her three kids and a doctor planning to perform a lobotomy, so we decided to end the night by doing something light.

We had our nightcap at the Manila Peninsula, sharing funny stories over a really BIG bowl of ice cream.

I love these guys.
They always know how to end the day right.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

All in a Day

All in a Day

A book, a camera, sunset, and me.

Spent the afternoon walking, reading, and watching people pass by.
Watched the sunset while having dinner at Harbour Square.

And like the sunset, I bid the day goodbye.
All in a day. All by myself.

Thursday, March 4, 2010



Finding the right job is like commuting.

You walk and brave the morning sun.

You wait in line to get a cab and bear the traffic jam, or you take the train to beat the rush. You transfer from one station to another.

And just when you thought you've reached your destination,
you'll realize - you're lost, in the middle of nowhere.

And as much as you want to find the right direction,
going back is too much of a hassle.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fun at work?

Fun at work?

A funny thing happened at work today.

I woke up late this morning and I didn't have time for breakfast,
so I just grabbed coffee on my way to the office.

Buzzer beater!

My shifts starts at 8:30.
I clocked in at 8:29.
Thank God its Saturday, traffic wasn't so bad.

During one of my interviews my tummy rumbled thrice as if a volcano just erupted!
My applicants (8 of them) laughed so hard! I was mortified!

I felt my face thickening of humiliation.

Anyway, I went on and finished the interview.

No one made it to the next step 'coz they didn't qualify.

So, who's laughing now?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dad's Lessons

My father, the teacher

They say that there are lessons in life that we’ll never learn.
But then, there are the lucky ones who’ll learn the best lessons from the best teachers.

I am one of the lucky ones.
And here’s one lesson I would like to share:

Life is a never-ending battle.
Give your best and make it your greatest fight.

If you win, celebrate victory.
Be proud of your accomplishment, but keep your humility.

Winning the battle makes one a good soldier. But it’s the pain of losing that makes one, a true soldier. So if you lose, Embrace it. The greatest honor a man can give himself is accepting defeat.

Win or lose, be proud of yourself.

You may not be destined for great things, but remember, you are a great son.

And that’s all that matters.

One great lesson. One great teacher.
To the world’s greatest father, dear Sir Joey, Happy 59th Birthday!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010



One fine Sunday morning.

I’m walking.
You’re walking.

As we reach the lane where the two of us will meet, your shoulder bumped into mine.

I glanced. You glanced.
It was like a movie scene.

I smiled. You smiled.
It was the perfect timing.

But alas!
Nobody had the courage to say hi, or ask for the other person’s name.

And then we both walked away...

There are reasons why they will, or will not meet.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Freaking Single

Freaking Single

I spent yet another Sunday evening watching a movie with my constant date I call myself. We laughed so hard for an hour and a half.

Oh, have you heard about the Morgans?
They’re a wonderful couple.

After the movie I stopped by Starbucks - my favorite spot in Greenbelt, to get some coffee. While waiting for my Venti as my head danced to the Latin music coming from Café Havana, I overheard 2 people talking (actually more like ranting) about relationships:

"The good ones are taken and the single ones are definitely freaks! Wait a minute, I am single. That makes me a freak!"


You’re not a freak because you’re single.
But freaking out because you are single makes you, well, a freak.


Since when did it put pressure on people?
And since when did single people become freaks?

Wait, am I still living on the same planet or am I the only single human being who feels numb about it?

Hmmm... That’s something to contemplate on.

So I dragged my single ass home and enjoyed my nightcap, with my mint decaf.

Big Dreams, Empty Heart

Big Dreams, Empty Heart

I once wrote about taking and not taking chances:

“Not every opportunity is up for grab. Sometimes, they’re just there for us to realize that what we have is everything we will ever need. At least for now.”

There are reasons why opportunities come knocking at our door.

I never really knew what’s in store for me the last time I grabbed one until today, when all my expectations turned into frustrations.

I shouldn’t have opened the door when I heard that opportunity knocked. It was a test of faith; if I will hold on, or if I will let go. I chose the latter. And now, what I feel is disappointment and regret.

Now the door has been locked. And I am trapped. There’s no way out.

I am in a room with no air to breathe. It’s suffocating. It’s killing me.

All because of something I thought would make me happy:
the realization of a big dream.

A dream so big, yet it didn’t fill an empty heart.